Our Story


We have you covered.

The idea for KINeSYS was originally born in 1995 in response to the lack of quality sunscreen that met the needs of those who love being active and outdoors whilst being sun safe. KINeSYS, based in Vancouver Canada, built a loyal following over time, but a few years ago was in jeopardy of closing forever.

Enter Wade and Lisa Heggie. Their own past experiences with skin cancers led them on a quest to find an effective skin protection for their children and themselves. Their search ended with the proven formula of KINeSYS — better than any other sunscreen they had tried in the past. Their love of the product led them to continue the business as a small family-owned venture.

“Growing up in Australia I thought I was invincible. As a result, I’ve had skin cancer as a young adult. In late 2014 Wade was also diagnosed with melanoma. In the years that followed, we researched countless sun protection products.

Our search for the absolute best in sun protection has become more than a passion for us, it’s our purpose. KINeSYS is the sunscreen we wish we had growing up.” — Lisa Heggie


Your go-to sunscreen.

Our 30-Day Promise

We develop innovative sun protection products that empower people to embrace the outdoors.

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